John “On The Spot”: Alot of people are pissed off at Family Guy because of the 9/11 theme

Remember when a couple weeks back I posted an article about CNN claiming Family Guy’sScreams of Silence” was too controversial? Well, now everyone is claiming that this past weekend’s “Road to the Pilot” episode hits too close to home with the 9/11 jokes. After the jump, here’s my take.

I mentioned the other day that I had went to the Archer premier in NYC @ the Paley Center. While there, David Cross joked that 9/11 is on the list of “top ten most tragic events” in American history. The crowd exploded in laughter, I was almost on the ground, and Dave shows all the time that he isn’t afraid to cross that line.

Similarly, this past weekend the Family Guy episode “Road to the Pilot” featured a plot that if 9/11 didn’t happen then George W. Bush would not have been re-elected and he would’ve caused a secession in the United States thereby starting a 2nd Civil War.

Well, of course the media caught wind of this and Huffington posted about it and Yahoo and a bunch of others talking about it fresh off another post that said cartoons are too controversial.  Same song different dance, right? My take is this, controversy creates cash. I thought the episode was the best “Road to” ever and as someone who has lived about 25-30 minutes from NYC with a perfect view of downtown his whole life…no I am not offended by 9/11-esque jokes.

I don’t even think there was a deep 9/11 gag there, it was more of a “George W. was so bad…this is what would’ve happened” type deal. And I agree, but as I was walking back from the Paley Center, through the masses of #OWS protesters sleeping on the streets of NYC I couldn’t help but think “There’s something here” in a sense that guess what?

People are uniting like never before.

Things like facey-spaceys and bliggoty-blogs are giving people a voice that we didn’t have 30 years ago and corporate America is finally getting it right in the ass. Me? I don’t vote. Why? Because I’m not voting for anyone until some claims to legalize gay marriage and decriminalize/tax/legal selling of marijuana.

Until then, I believe in Harvey Dent.