English Dub Review: My Hero Academia “Specter”



The fight between Star and Stripe and Shigaraki is ending, but Star has one more trick up her sleeve with New Order.

Our Take (Spoilers):

We only got two episodes of Star and Stripe, but she had a pretty big impact. I understand why some people were upset that such a unique and cool character only lasted two episodes but when it comes to affecting the story I would say she is way up there. Especially we people in the United States probably wanted to see more from the best our country has to offer but she did something awesome. I wonder what it says about us that the personification of our country makes a huge self-sacrifice.

Star had a feeling that Shigaraki would manage to steal her quirk so she gave one last order to her quirk. She told it to “Destroy any other quirks you encounter” and since Shigaraki has quite a few this did a lot of damage to him. Not enough to kill him but the fact that he lost a lot of his most powerful quirks is a victory in itself. I would have liked to see more of Star but this isn’t her story and I think it’s good that we’re going to focus back on the students of UA.