Netflix Reveals Most-Viewed Adult Animation For Second Half Of 2023

I posted an article earlier today on how adult animation is a key driver for streaming services like Disney+ and Netflix, and I guess someone heard me, because Netflix would soon release its viewership data for the second half of 2023 and, surprising not me, adult animation provides for over a billion views with even the streamer’s top 50 adult animation originals (excluding acquisitions) providing for just under a billion views alone.

In the top 50 of Netflix’s adult animation originals, Baki Hanma stood head and shoulders above most of the other series made available on the streamer with nearly 200 million views across both seasons, and Baki Hanma season two being the most-watched adult animated original for Netflix for the second half of 2023. To get an idea on how big that is, the next biggest adult animated original for Netflix was Blue Eye Samurai which did just under 80 million views, though, that is still very impressive for the freshman series and is probably what led to the series getting a second season order. For comedy, Big Mouth (39 million) and Disenchantment (36 million) are nearly neck-and-neck with freshman series Captain Fall making a splash with 22 million views. The odd thing about that last note? We have a whole second season already completed and Netflix isn’t going to bother to stream it. Granted, the series didn’t get the viewership of the aforementioned series, but it also got nowhere near the marketing push that some of those series had either. In fact, the viewership number was nearly identical to Scott Pilgrim: Takes Off which got far more fan-fare critically.

It should be worth noting that in all of these Netflix originals, they are produced with multiple language tracks, something its competitors should probably take note of.