Review: Star Wars: The Bad Batch “The Summit” ; “Plan 99”

What the fuck even was this two part finale? If you’ve been following the reviews for The Bad Batch, you know that for the last four weeks, I’ve been expecting some grandiose finale, with the zillo beast being the big giant monster that will test the team. Boy, was I really fucking wrong.

Clone Force 99 was definitely tested during this finale. They weren’t tested in the way where they go against a kaiju, though. This was an infiltration mission and it went all forms of wrong. It started well enough until Hunter finds explosive charges. Who put them there? Well, god damn Saw Gererra came back, and his radicalized crew of rebels tried to level the base. Of course, it didn’t go well. Of course, Saw fucked up the team’s plans to get the clones and Crosshair free, and blew up most of the outpost.

This all sets off a chain of events where the transport tram the team used to get out malfunctions mid run. The shit hit the fan when more troopers were stuck down the way, shooting the team, and pilots were launched and they targeted the car. Tech, who was on the top of the car trying to get power to the tram, hooked onto the car, but was a fish on a hook. He put the needs of the team in front of his own, and shot the coupling, causing the car he was hooked on to fall, taking him with it.

The aftermath was Omega trying to sift through the loss of Tech, but that was short lived. Cid got the revenge everyone has been warning the team about, and she called in Hemlock and his troopers. Hunter got Omega to run…for a moment. Ultimately, she came back to help Hunter and Wrecker, who were both taken. Omega did enough to get Echo in place to at least help Wrecker and Hunter. However, she got taken to Hemlock’s base with Crosshair.

This was a finale that I did not see coming. With everything that was coming from the last five or so weeks, I was expecting the zillo monster being the big bad end monster. But the big kaiju was nowhere to be found. Most of the reason I found the finale so enjoyable because it was full of surprises. It was lowkey. It wasn’t on the scale of season one where an entire planet has to be devastated.

It worked. It just worked. We needed something that created a buzz, and made us want more. One the team is dead. However there is no body. Omega got caught. The remaining members of Clone Force 99 is in shambles trying to regroup. This was a great finale.