Review: Cake “Cos and Effect” ; “Swipe Left”

“Cos and Effect”

Overview (Recap of Animated Sketches)

Dicktown ‘The Mystery of the Controversial Cosplay’

Dicktown follows detectives Hodgman and Rees set in Richardsville who solve crimes. In this case, it’s the case of the slandered superhero named “Monica” who feels as though her cosplay is getting unwanted attention. We come to learn that an online troll is behind the dial and is quickly discovered and accosted.  And while we could’ve really embarrassed this guy, when this guy shits his pants, he does a good enough job of destroying himself.



My New Fighting Technique Is Unstoppable

A circulatory system that knows karate becomes the latest adversary to the karate bros.




Walt dresses in a cape in an attempt to be a superhero and it turns out to be a success. Not only does he save a guy from jumping off the side of the building, but he helps a girl get in her locked out apartment.



Other Sketches

Tree Secrets, Interstitials, Drifters,  Odeon, Cockroach Calisthenics

Best Sketch


Worst Sketch

Tree Secrets

“Swipe Left”

Overview (Recap of Animated Sketches)

Dicktown “The Mystery of the Maybe Boyfriend”

Hodgman and Rees have to investigate a relationship that may not have any substance. Turns out, dating is just a completely different concept to gen Z, except for the constant retro aesthetic…aside from the dick pics. The young couple eventually split and our fabled detectives get blitzed.



Joe Bennett Collection “Spiral”

A mouthy taxi driver has a bunch of trendy phrases to get out….do we need this?



The Places Where We Live

A Canadian gives us his life story, from beginning to end. Holy shit. These geese get killed by the Miracle on the Hudson guy.



Other Sketches

My New Fighting Technique Is Unstoppable, Cat, Interstitials, Symphony No. 42

Best Sketch

The Places Where We Live

Worst Sketch

Symphony No. 42