Review: Bee and Puppycat – “Food” and “Farmer”




Spoilers Below

In the lead up to the new season of Bee and Puppycat, Cartoon Hangover had a 24 hour livestream on their YouTube channel. They featured a variety of guests, from YouTube celebrities to the people in charge of the merchandise to Natasha herself. Shortly before the first episode aired, they announced that they would release TWO episodes tonight. That’s right, two brand new episodes of Bee and Puppycat! Here we go!

The first episode is simply titled “Food.” Bee is having a strange dream. She is floating in space while multiple Puppycats fall toward a blob of water. Suddenly, the water shoots upward, enveloping the Puppycats. Bee reaches out to touch one of the Puppycats but is jolted awake instead. Of course, Bee notes that she’d rather dream about food. Flipping through the magazine on her lap, she finds an amazing recipe. She texts Deckard, telling him that she will buy the ingredients and they will make the recipe.

So, Bee and Puppycat head off to the store. As Bee drools over fish cakes, Puppycat grabs every weapon in the store he can find…and a leather jacket. Bee makes him put back all the stuff because they can’t afford it. They have just enough money to get the recipe ingredients and a pack of gum. With their haul, they head over to Deckard’s house.

As Bee and Deckard try to cook the food, Puppycat does everything he can to ruin it. Thankfully, Deckard takes it all in stride. When Deckard sister, Cass, comes home, Bee finds out that Deckard has applied for culinary school. However, that would mean leaving the island and Bee. This is when he points out that they are missing one ingredient to finish the recipe. Bee grabs Puppycat and runs to the bathroom. She begs Puppycat to get them a temp job so they can afford to buy the missing ingredient. With Bee’s promise to get him a leather jacket, Puppycat reluctantly agrees. The two of them zap off to TempBot while Cass and Deckard wrestle in the other room.

Episode two, “Farmer,” picks up where episode one left off. Bee and Puppycat are falling through space, heading to TempBot. Since Bee’s skirt keeps floating upward, she is constantly yelling at everyone to stop looking at her. TempBot (voiced by My Drunk Kitchen’s Hannah Hart) assigns the duo to a job on Jelly Cube Planet. Their uniforms for this job consist of a wheat stalk for Puppycat to chew on and pink overalls with magic pockets for Bee.

When they reach Jelly Cube Planet, the pair rush off to find the client. Bee ends up carrying Puppycat because he has short legs and can’t run very fast. Unfortunately, since the planet is a cube, she falls off the side. The cube turns slightly to catch her but she lands on Puppycat, accidentally transferring her gum to his mouth. Bee finds the client, who sends her on a mission to get the cherry on the other side of the planet.

Meanwhile, Cass talks to Deckard about his life choices. He loves Bee but he shouldn’t waste his entire life taking care of her. It turns out that Deckard was accepted to the culinary school he wanted to attend. Now he has to make the difficult choice between what he loves to do and the girl he loves.

Back on Jelly Cube Planet, Puppycat finds out that if Bee touches the cherry, she will be buried in the jelly in order to feed the client’s livestock. He rushes off to save her, moving faster thanks to a floating gum bubble. Once Puppycat tells her about the killer cherry, Bee digs a spade out of her magic pockets and slices it open, releasing the souls contained within. Ticked off, she spits her chewed gum into the cherry, which makes the whipped cream flourish. When the farmer finds out that Bee has not been sucked into the jelly, he is quite surprised. Unfortunately, he does not have her payment because he expected her to die. Bee steals the leaf off the top of his head and storms off, leaving the livestock to consume the farmer.

Back at Deckard’s house, the duo finds him sleeping with his head on the table. It looks like he finished their recipe and drifted off while reading his culinary school acceptance letter. Bee decides to let him sleep and heads back to her apartment.

Since she could not get Puppycat the leather jacket she promised him, she made him a coat out of her old coat. Puppycat likes it, though he probably isn’t aware of the “Poo Monster” decoration on the back of the jacket. As Puppycat curls up on the couch with Bee, the two fall back to sleep and Bee resumes her dream from the beginning of episode one. This time she reaches into the water and pets one of the Puppycats.

I love that they released both of these episodes together. Since these episodes are only five minutes each, they don’t have the time to really flesh out an in-depth story. While episode one ended in a “good” place, it would be frustrating to not have the rest of the story. I also love that they are bringing some of the side characters into the main story. I really want to know more about Deckard and Cass. Sure, there were some stories about them in the comic but not enough to develop them fully. We need to see how they impact Bee’s life. Even though I don’t want Deckard to leave, I think it would be good for Bee to stand on her own and not have him to rely on. I am super excited about this season.

