English Dub Review: Metallic Rouge “Wander in the Labyrinth”



Rouge and Naomi take a bus across Mars searching for the next Immortal Nine member. Suddenly a convoy of armed vehicles attacks the bus. They turn out to be a force of mercenaries targeting Rouge. The bus escapes into a forest but breaks down…

Our Take:

I think this might be a sleeper hit, it gives me a lot of 90’s anime vibes and that was when we had some great shows to pick from. This is sci-fi done right because they give us just enough to pique our interest while still keeping some information withheld to keep us coming back.

Rouge is an android but she doesn’t stick out the same way the rest of them do. Does she still need nectar like they do? How does her armor and abilities work? As I said there are a lot of questions still left unanswered but I’m looking forward to how we get the answers.

The animation has been really good so far, not just the fight scenes either. Character models look fantastic down to the designs. Rouge in particular has an interesting look to her, she has your typical anime girl cuteness but her outfit suggests that there’s more to her than meets the eye. I’m excited to see where this one goes, it’s not too often we get an anime original like this one.