English Dub Review: Metallic Rouge “Crimson Is the Sound of Dawn”



Songstress Sarah Fitzgerald takes a mysterious girl named Rouge as her helper. After one of her performances, Sarah and her lover are attacked, and a woman named Naomi approaches Rouge with information about Sarah. What is Sarah hiding in her past?

Our Take:

If you are a fan of any of the following then I think Metallic Rouge is a series you’ll want to watch. If you like Bubblegum Crisis, Lycoris Recoil, Studio Bones, or anything cyberpunk-themed then I think we are all in for a treat. The first episode was a bit convoluted and I have to be honest I don’t understand all of it yet but I don’t think we’re supposed to. But the character designs are cool and the fight scenes have been pretty awesome.

An android getting a badass suit to hunt down immortal humans was enough to get me invested but there also seem to be some interesting themes at play. Nothing groundbreaking mind you, how many times now have we seen humans treat androids like shit? Androids need something called “Nectar” to stay alive apparently but if a human takes it they get high. Or maybe that is what makes them immortal, I haven’t figured it out yet but there’s enough here for a good time to me.