Review: Family Guy “Happy Holo-ween”


At a local carnival, Peter comes across a guy hawking holograms and he opts to take advantage. Peter opts to give his holo-self all of the menial tasks he doesn’t want to do, mostly having to do with spending time with his family while the real Peter gets smashed with his pals.

After a while, Peter gets annoyed with his hologram and wants to return it back via the machine he got from the carnie but now the hologram is self-aware and intent on not going anywhere. Eventually, Lois and the rest of the family gets wind of the hologram and attempts to escape but the now evil Holo-Peter traps them and has to duel with the real Peter. With the family’s help, Holo-Pete is sent back to wherever he came from and the family is back to normal…or are they?


Podcast Ads, Mom Meet, QANON Rallies, Mayflower Cruise Director, Dracula and a Giraffe

Our Take

For fans of throwback Family Guy with sci-fi centric premises, this is for you. In fact, in a lot of ways, this episode shares a lot of similarities of the many “Evil Stewie” or “Bertrand Griffin” bits that we got over the years, but because I miss those characters, I’m finding myself enjoying this one. Moreover, the climax features such a hilarious string of one-liners and really EVERY cutaway was excellent and hit close to home because my better half works at Untuckit, so now I’ve got new material!

Family Guy takes a couple of weeks off because of the Phillies somehow getting into the fucking World Series, but will be back on November 13th. This should give you a good amount of time to catch up on a lot of pretty good episodes that have aired during the 21st season of Family Guy thus far, so take advantage of your Hulu subscription and start catching up.