Review: SpongeBob SquarePants “The Patrick Star Fan Favorites Special”

Overview (Spoilers Below):

A half-hour special that counts down Patrick Star’s favorite moments from the popular Nickelodeon show.

Our Take:

Patrick Star’s show may be on hiatus this week, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still hang out with our favorite gullible pink starfish. SpongeBob SquarePants is set to continue its 13th season with a couple of brand new nautical adventures next weekend. Until then, we have another countdown special that showcases the show’s best moments during its 22-year run. This time, it’s the top 16 scenes of SpongeBob’s dim-witted best friend, Patrick Star, hosted by Youtube star Unspeakable.

The characters in SpongeBob SquarePants have always been known for their colorful and charismatic personalities, and Patrick Star is no different. It’s no surprise that Patrick had a lot of memorable moments during the show’s early days, including the mayonnaise as an instrument line and the “This is Patrick” scene. Unfortunately, any episode after the 2004 film didn’t quite reach the same heights as those moments regarding the comedy and the increase of Patrick’s dumbness. However, they, too, have enough silly scenes to keep the young fans watching. 

Now, I’m not going to go into full detail on how I feel about this latest “SpongeBob Countdown” event because that would be nonsensical. Instead, I’m going to be brief for all of you Patrick fans by saying that it’s a suitable countdown that celebrates the silly and lovable starfish. You can quickly tell that the fans vote for their favorite Patrick scenes because all of the moments shown in the special were from the show’s earlier seasons.  

It goes to show that fans understand what makes Patrick Star lovable for them. From his Ugly Barnacle story to the wallet scenario with Man Ray, the first few seasons worked best with Patrick’s personality, well-timed humor, and quotable dialogue. However, with the recent seasons making him dumber and more selfish, it proved challenging for specific fans to connect to Patrick the same way they did in the pre-movie days. So it was probably for the best that we celebrate the old Patrick we know and love.

But what about the host of this countdown special? Was he able to put a little pizazz into counting down Patrick’s moments? I would have to say yes. His humor wasn’t 100% perfect, but he made a reasonable effort in making the special fun and lively. I wasn’t familiar with Unspeakable until I watched the special. Based on what I saw, I thought his introduction was fine enough for me to check out his Youtube channel in the future.

Overall, “The Patrick Star Fan Favorites Special” is a loving and hilarious tribute to one of SpongeBob’s best friends in Bikini Bottom. The variety in the countdown did focus more on Patrick’s earlier moments than the recent ones, and the host may not be top-tier. Still, it’s another enjoyable countdown special that celebrates the Nickelodeon classic that’s still going strong, for better or worse. It’s worth a watch if you too enjoy the idiotic yet charming starfish, and remember: never call him Rick.