Howard Stern Is Not A Fan Of His Producer’s Guest Spot On Netflix’s “Paradise PD Season Three”



Paradise PD Season Three is streaming right now on Netflix and you should go watch it. In it, you may notice a quick one-line guest spot from Howard Stern Show producer Fafa Fooey aka Gary Dell’Abate in the episode “Parad-Isis”. The season three finale sees Gina and Kevin make a big announcement, Bullet worries Fitz is on the verge of an unpleasant discovery, and Dusty joins a “gym.”

Gary’s famed nickname, “Baba Booey”, has actually been used as a punchline in countless animated shows like The Simpsons and Big Mouth, and the vinyl collector is also a NY Times Best-Selling Author for writing a book tape all about lists. However, no matter what he does, Gary can’t seem to catch a break from his boss, Howard Stern, and is often the butt of jokes for a good portion of the show. Check out a clip of the revelation about Gary’s character below.

Read our review of Paradise PD season three here.

Who knows? Maybe Gary’s guest spot can get him more voicework like on Kevin Smith’s upcoming Masters of the Universe series for Netflix that the showrunner says is slated to be announced within the next couple of months according to a recent Fatman Beyond episode.