Review: Welcome to the Wayne “What’s for Linner?”

We give a higher score than Olly.

Overview (Spoilers Below)

Origami specialist Katherine-Alice sends an SOS to Team Timbers who come to rescue her and then traverse into an origami underworld that’s got the Spy chasing Andre all over the place. Andre’s got a key that supposedly unlocks his home but just before he opens it some more of that rainbow gas seeps out and nearly destroys everyone. Fortunately, Andre is able to get the Timbers out of harm’s way while Katherine-Alice is sure to seal the gas underground.

Our Take

Aaaand like that we’re back on track with a fun-filled chapter of what I’m dubbing the “Andre” saga. This week takes a real left turn from what we’ve been getting up until this point and now the producers throw in another wrench…will Ansi leave the group?  One of the strengths of Welcome to the Wayne, the house is an endless source of mystery, and there are enough members of the cast that the show never is short of silly characters. Katherine-Alice, for example, is a great character, as is Andre whom has to be the glue that holds this plot together or it doesn’t work, but it is.
