Review: Bravest Warriors “Everything Is Okay”

Trust us.

Spoilers Below

The Bravest Warriors are dead. In order to feed himself and the rest of the pets, Impossibear turns the Invisible Hideout into a tourist attraction. Upset that he can’t hear the Paralyzed Horse any more, Hamster Mitch goes on the first tour of the Hideout. But everything on the tour is fake. One of Wallow’s Firebugs plays Chris, turning him into some sort of psychic scam artist. A Phosphorescent Maze Midget plays Danny, who just gives everyone the middle finger. Slippy Napkins plays Beth, who runs away from an Aeon Worm, played by Catbug. However, while everyone else is touring the Hideout, Mitch has gone straight to the barn of the Paralyzed Horse. Of course, there is no Paralyzed Horse. There’s just a sleepy dog. Mitch doesn’t seem to know any better and get’s Beth’s temporal helmet to get the Horse reconnected to the See-Through Zone. Again, not the Horse. Instead of connecting to the Zone, Mitch just flies the dog back to his hamster people, where he learns that he still doesn’t have all of the answers. Angry, Mitch starts blasting the other hamsters with See-Through Zone blasts. Thankfully, Impossibear (and everyone else) has followed Mitch in the Impossibear Balloon. Impossibear gets Catbug all riled up in order to get him to attack Mitch. Catbug, still in his Aeon Worm costume, just starts yelling “EVERYTHING IS OKAY” at Mitch, until it finally gets through to the hamster.

That is when the Bravest Warriors show up. It turns out that they didn’t die. They just went to the mall while Impossibear napped. Beth remotely turns off the temporal helmet, transporting Mitch into the See-Through Zone. In the Zone, Mitch gets back together with the Paralyzed Horse. This is where he belongs.

This season has been weird. Instead of moving the plot forward, we just keep seeing what everyone is doing at the same time. There is (supposedly) only one more episode left of this season. Unless it is going to be super epic, this entire season has been a bit of a waste. Especially since the show has moved to a pay app. As for this particular episode? It was nice to have more Impossibear and Catbug. Though it would be better if this was more like the previous seasons or even the comic books.
