Review: Family Guy “Stewie is Enceinte”



Man, oh man. This one, guys. This was a rough watch. I’ve found myself being really tough on Family Guy this season, and that’s only because I really do love the show. I come back every week because I know it is capable of providing us with some of the best laughs. After a few weeks off, I was excited to come back and see how the latter half of the season would play out. Any and all excitement was crushed by last night’s episode, though. This may go down as my least favorite episode of Family Guy ever. But, you good readers came here for a review, so let’s not waste any more of your time.

In “Stewie is Enceinte” Stewie begins to notice that he and Brian are drifting apart. He becomes desperate to salvage the relationship and notices how Joe and Bonnie came closer together after having Susie. Stewie puts two and two together and decides the best way to save his friendship with Brian is if they have a baby. Stewie creates a device to do just that. Meanwhile, Peter and the gang decide they want to try and make a viral video.”

“Stewie is Enceinte” was wrong on so many levels. I’m not an easily offended person, I can find humor in odd situations, the problem is that the premise of the episode came across as disturbing and strange to me. I think I only mustered up a laugh twice last night, once when Peter showed his friends a video he made where he took a picture of himself every day for a year. That was pretty good. The second laugh was the last sentence of the episode where Stewie tells a woman at his baby shower that she had had enough cake. Outside of those two jokes, I just felt uncomfortable seeing this story play out. I can’t think of a situation where a story like this could ever be funny in my mind. If you liked last night’s episode, all the power to you, friends. Usually, when I give Family Guy a bad review, it’s simply because it left me bored or the comedic timing was a little off for me. This was an entirely different beast.

Peter’s subplot was complete filler. It didn’t seem coherent, the gang never really end up making a video, it’s just them brainstorming the entire time. It didn’t hit me the right way, I guess. I thought the episode may have ended with an attempt at an actual viral video that would be blowing up social media today. Of course, viral videos are accidents more often than not, but an attempt may have been cool. Instead, the entire story fell flat, I was left wanting more. Scratch that, I was left waiting for the story to even start.

Overall, I hated this episode. In all my time writing for the site, this will be my lowest score yet. It’s redeeming qualities were two laughs, which in just a boring episode could hold some water. In a twisted episode like this, it doesn’t do much to help at all. I understand the episode may have been going for some shock laughs, which is fair. The problem is that trying to shock an audience into laughter can be hit or miss. You either achieve that laugh or crash and burn. Awful episode, hope to never see another one like it.


What did you guys think about “Stewie is Enceinte”? Share your thoughts with us, any point of view that could sway me would be greatly appreciated. If you enjoyed this episode at all, show me the light! Have yourselves a great week!