Review: Family Guy “Screams of Silence”

Quagmire’s sister (voice of Kaitlin Olson) gets the shit kicked out of her by her abusive boyfriend, so Quagmire, Joe, Bonnie and the Griffins decide to do something about it.

Spoilers below!

Boy, did I miss Family Guy!  First 2 minutes gets us a hysterical cut-a-way, and Peter deciding to go fishing with Joe in the nearby lake. But, when they decide to make it a threeway by getting Quagmire, who they find HANGING FROM THE CEILING! This causes his sister Brenda and her abusive boyfriend Jeff to come to the hospital and finds Quagmire unconscious. Brenda sings Quagmire a lullaby which causes him to snap out of it and go home. Its here we see the verbal abuse that Brenda is a victim of.

Lois tries to talk to Brenda about her issues, but is apparently scared out of her mind to do anything about it and puts up a big front. Back at the Clam, Joe recommends an intervention to try and convince her to wise up, only to tell the crowd that she’s engaged and has a baby on the way!

Peter comes up with a sound idea, lets KILL JEFF! Well the tables turn when Jeff gets a gun and puts a beating on Quags, Pete, AND Joe. Jeff takes Quagmire into the woods where they bring it to fist -a-cuffs where Quags ends up choked out…or does he?

I gotta say, this was a hard pill to swallow but it was a good episode. Spousal abuse is no joke, and I think it was good of this show to show the ugly side of people. Shit like this happens every day and is a serious issue. Yes, there were jokes and yes the cut-a-ways were great but I think the morale shows here and rightfully so. Macfarlane has never been afraid to shy away from what he thinks is right or wrong, be it politics, civil rights, or whatever it may be. Kaitlin Olson definitely showed her chops as a voice over actress and I look forward to seeing what she can do in the winter premier of “Unsupervised” on FX to kick off 2012.