Shorts Review: Oishi High School Battle “New Class President of Doom”

Oishi’s school gets a new class president. However, this president loves killing the students!




Oishi and her classmate are trying to get to their next class, when the classmate passes out on a couch. After fending off freshmen dragons from eating her friend, Oishi finds Stacy, who is upset because she has run for class president again. Killbot 22-A called for a new election because of the influx of new students. Oishi says she will help, and she plasters photoshopped posters of Stacy all over the students. Stacy thinks it’s better to pledge for cleaner lockers, but Stacy keeps getting slapped by Oishi. Oishi accompanies Stacy to her debate with Killbot, and her talking points just turns the debate into death threats if the student body doesn’t vote for that person. Stacy can’t do this anymore, saying she will not rule with fear, but with love. She starts to win the student populace over, until the the principal says the final round is to begin. The death battle lasts about a second, because Killbot disintegrates Stacy with a laser. With that, Killbot is ruled the winner.

This was a quick episode, with Oishi taking a backseat here so she can coach Stacy. I’m not entirely sure where this was supposed to go, but I really enjoyed Killbot. I mean, she kills off Stacy, and then pledges to put more money into the yearbook fund. Killbot’s not that bad, after all! I liked Stacy too because she stood up for what she thought was right, even though she ended up as  laser fodder. Fun, quick, and easy to watch, Oishi’s latest episode was worth the five minute diversion.
