Howard Stern Goes Off on Bronies



This morning on The Howard Stern Show, Wolfie and Howard AGAIN went after people who go to Cons and cosplay, but in a tad different way. This week their targets were BRONIES and to be perfectly honest I really can’t disagree.

For those that don’t know, Bronies are grown men whom are big huge fans of the hit Hub animated series My Little Pony, and while I’m not a fan of the series, the fandom that has surrounded the popular franchise is rather absurd and as a result Howard nailed it right on the head when talking about it.

My Little Pony is an animated series geared towards girls aged 6-11, so hearing about a Bronie conventions featuring grown men and little girls in the same room kind of irks me. Look, it’s one thing if like a father is trying to take his daughter to something that she enjoys, but it’s something completely different where a group of dudes put on T-shirts featuring an animated series used as a vehicle to sell Hasbro toys to children.

There is no better depiction of the craziness of bronies than in the recent Bob’s Burgers episode ‘Equestrenauts’ where it shows how crazy some people really do get when talking about My Little Pony.