Shorts Reviews: TMNT “Pizza Friday” ; “Turtles Take Time (And Space)”

We might have ingredients here for the rightful return of the TMNT to animation.

Spoilers Below

Pizza Friday

Donnie comes up with a device that turns the turtles into humans long enough to sneak into high school for “Pizza Friday”. Once in the cafeteria, the kids eat all the pizza and turn into turtles just in time for a battle with Krang and his robots. The bots escape and the turtles win the day.

Turtles Take Time (And Space)

April comes by the sewers with a receptor that transports the turtles to a time of pirates and battles. The scepter goes off again and sends the turtles back to when they were babies and at a pet store. Another round of the receptor transports them to a Shredder battle on top of a rooftop

Our Take

Kevin Eastman co-producing a TMNT short? Yes, please. I’ll take 22 episodes of an Eastman-produced TMNT animated series with a side of whomever produced the battle between the brothers and Shredder in the “Turtles Take Time (And Space)” short that could hopefully help us wash our mouths out of the greasy shit that’s been the TMNT animated franchises over the last decade or so.
