Shorts Review: Michael Bay’s Beavis and Butt-Head

If you’re anything like me you’re no longer allowed in any Denny’s franchise you probably heard they were making a new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie and thought, “Finally! A chance to wear my Leonardo (or your character of choice) costume again!”

Then you inevitably saw it would be directed by Michael Bay and thought, “Coming Soon: Another reheated pile of crap.”

Then the trailer was released, and all our worst fears were realized: More excessive lens flares? Megan Fox? (Didn’t she call Bay Hitler?) Basically just a bunch of explosions? All yesses.

Well, if you were looking to express your feelings in a way that wasn’t simply an hour-long rant about how Michael Bay is ruining everyone’s childhood yet again (admit it, Transformers totally sucked) fear not – because FOX’s Animation Domination High Def has you covered, with a trailer entitled “Michael Bay’s Beavis & Butthead.” And it succeeded for all the right reasons:

First, it was Beavis & Butthead related, which almost always spells an automatic win.

Second, it made fun of Michael Bay, which – for the aforementioned reasons – is especially satisfying.

Third, it appeared to use the “Honest Trailer” guy as the voiceover, in addition to the Matthew McConaughey voice.

And finally, because it makes a damn good point. Too many things we once loved have been fucked up recently by a slew of individuals, most-notably Michael Bay and his complete lack of original ideas, and poor execution to boot (okay, except for Bad Boys II, but because it was a sequel, even that wasn’t technically original.) And it correctly showed that all you need is an idea from the past and a bunch of guns and explosions to make a Michael Bay movie.

The only thing that was missing from the Beavis & Butthead trailer: a lot more lens flares.
