Shorts Review: “It’s a Jungle Out There” (Monkey Love) From Above Average!


Ever work in fast food? Or maybe an office setting? Know that old, divorced guy who’s white button up shirt is a shade of tan on the front because he chain smokes. His breath has a hint of Lairds Applejack or possibly vodka. You’re pretty sure he had fish for dinner, but honestly we all know that’s just his normal funk. His name usually ends in a Y. Terry. Or Kenny. Or maybe even Jerry. From now on, whenever that person talks to you, I want you to hear Jeff Goldblum’s voice because that’s exactly what I did when I watched this short and it had me in stitches!

Jeff can play the smart yet terribly awkward character better than most and it shines through in this short. His delivery and comedic timing while basically word-raping a monkey would convince just about anyone that he was truly serious. The undertones of sadness and despiration veiled under the nervous confidence made his lines hit just a little bit harder. Take all of that and team it with animation that’s somewhere in between Ren and Stimpy & El Superbeasto and you’ve got yourself a winner. Having released three animated shorts on their YouTube page, it’s safe to say that Monkey Love is clearly the leader of the apes!
