Ruh-Roh, Another Deadpool Animated Series Attempt From Disney?

This is gonna suck.

Deadpool creator Rob Liefield is teasing to Nerdist the possibility of a new animated series potentially down the pike from Marvel only months after Disney axed the last one due to creative differences with Emmy winner Donald Glover. While nothing has been put into production as of yet, clearly, Disney knows what it has as a bankable franchise after Deadpool 2 hauled in 3/4’s of a billion dollars at the box office last year. Here’s the issue with this tease.

Our Take

Disney is a mess when it comes to allowing producers their own creative stroke on a film. The last year or so they’ve relented a bit on films like Black Panther, Thor: Ragnarok, etc, but with the company having just wiped clean the entirety of the Marvel rated “R” suite from Netflix, the future of rated “R” properties from Marvel looks bleak which leads to an even more terrifying truth: a Deadpool animated series would most likely be packaged for kids for Disney XD or it’s soon-to-come streaming service. A Deadpool series for kids would instantly kill any legitimacy that the brand has garnered the last couple of years.