Review: Welcome to the Wayne “Swap Shop Hop & Bop”

Spit swap.



Overview (Spoilers Below)

The Wayne holds a flea market and Team Timbers have differing views on how to deal with it. Saraline wants to get the best deal but strikes out right up until the end. Ansi doesn’t want to sell anything, but does anyway, only for Olly to get everything back for his pal. Then, Andre’s clothes come to life as a result of the rainbow gas from the Midseason episode. The clothes chase the kids all over the place, but Saraline is able to make a deal for a disco ball that puts the 70’s era clothes into a trance, however, it looks like we’re just at the beginning of this adventure.

Our Take

Who doesn’t love a good flea market? Clearly, this episode sets up the next arc which probably sees the Spy giving up a bit on Andre and focusing more on whatever trinket that he has that is now having everyone fuss over. We never got any clarity after the ending to the dinner episode, and from the looks of it, Andre seems fine about everything. But clearly, mysteries abound and I’m in it to win it.

I’m starting to notice a bit of a formula with Wayne. We usually see the kids set up in some sort of situation where each has a unique take on whatever is going on. Usually, it’s Saraline’s goal of being an individualist whereas Olly and Ansi usually take part in something that strengthens their friendship. On top of that is the current arc that revolves around Andre, or in this case, something related to Andre. It works, but I’ll be curious to see if the producers mess around with said formula in the episodes to come.
