Review: The Sand Whale and Me “Day Five: Showdown”

Looks like we’re ridin’ on the same train.

Slight spoilers ahead

KFC and Sandman team up to take on the Sand Whales. This time they are determined to take down one of the beats. Sandman focuses his sights on one of the Sand Whales in the distance. He pulls the trigger. Shots ring out, and the Sand Whale falls! They have done it! Yet amidst their celebration another Sand Whale erupt out of the ground and knocks out or heroes. KFC wakes up to planes flying overhead dropping bombs on the remaining Sand Whales. Next, we see that she is at the campfire, cooking a Sand Whale stake. Sandman is passed out beside her. She takes a bite of Sand Whale steak and her expression says it all. It was worth every drop of blood, sweat, and tears

Well. It’s finally over. I have to say that I have actually grown fond of KFC and her quest for the Sand Whale meat. I watched the first episode of The Sand Whale and Me I didn’t know what to expect and wasn’t sure I could quite get into it. Tonight, as the final chapter closed and the credits started to roll, I found myself rejoicing with KFC as she ate that delicious looking Sand Whale steak. I laughed out loud when it is discovered that Sand Whales spew forth cans of Green Peace by the boatload if they are hit with enough concussive force, or possibly, killed.

It’s been quite the journey, and we have gone through a lot with KFC, our non-playable player. And what have we learned? Well, for once, you could say that even when faced with impossible odds, don’t give up and keep pushing forward. KFC went from one of the worst imaginable situations ever, of being marooned on a foreign planet and needing to kill a Sand Whale for food, to conquering the beast and enjoying a feast. We co-existed with KFC upon her arrival on the planet, long before Sandman did. We stuck with KFC as she was teased by the Sand Whales and tested by the environment itself. We were there for those days where all there was to eat was a can of Green Peace. We were there when that Sand Whale finally collapsed to the ground, defeated. We were there!

It has been quite interesting to follow the growth of KFC and the Sand Whale and Me. As a series as a whole, it does a good job of tapping into your emotions. Every episode has a “trait” that we can correlate it to. Day One is all about the will to survive in our new alien environment. Day Two was our day of learning, and having the heart to get back up and try again after being knocked down. Day Three? Frustration, anger, despair from running into that giant, unopenable can of Sand Whale meat, and even the determination to not be beaten… On Day Four we are given hope and company in the form of another, and on day Five, we are given victory and satisfaction. We could even project these themes into our own lives and use them to motivate ourselves in bleak situations. If KFC had not had a will of iron, The Sand Whale and Me could have been a lot shorter. Persistence pays off. We finally got that Sand Whale meat, and our hard work paid off. This series quirky and unique in its own way but will also capture you by making you bond with the main character KFC. I just wish there had been a “YOU WIN” screen.
