Review: Superjail ‘The Super Six’

Spoilers Below

Peedee and Stingray hear about how the original six escaped Superjail, so they decide to follow suit and do it the same way. The Warden goes on after them and ends up in a swamp with a bunch of Gator people (no, not you Florida State fans, sit down). The Warden bangs out one of the locals and ends up fathering about a 1,000 kids, but from the looks of it the Mrs. isn’t too thrilled with his attempts at fatherhood. The shit hits the fan when The Warden cuts down a sacred tree. To show their appreciation, the crocs tie up The Warden and drag him back to Superjail where they go ballistic on the inmates and throw The Warden back to where he came from.

A great finale, however I don’t know if we got the luster that the previous episode had in terms of the balance of violence and plot. In any case, I loved visiting the ‘old days’ of Superjail as I couldn’t help but close my eyes and imagine that Morgan Freeman was telling the tale of debauchery and mayhem as it pertained to the ‘Super Six’. ChefRich was awake writing up his Robot Chicken review and being that he lived in Louisiana for a long while, he did mention that this episode presented for you tonight had the most accurate/animated depiction of the Bayou state that he has ever seen. The series has continued to evolve by moving out of the confines of the jail and into another bizarre setting akin to Superhell. Is this something that we will continue to see as we await season five? I hope so, because ít’s a bunch of fun!

This may have been the best season of Superjail to air on Adult Swim, hands down. We’ll go into detail with a season review in the near future, but Superjail shines for Adult Swim.