Review: Squidbillies “Greener Pastor”

It’s hymn vs him.

Dougal County has a new pastor. What this means is that, he must get used to the towns people…. and Early. Early meets him in a ‘Waffle Barn’ while in a drunken stupor and Early immediately tries to fight him over a plate of hash brows. Early gets hit by a truck and begins holding a grudge for the man who has done him no harm and has actually gone out of his way to be extra kind to him. This intimidates Mr. Cuyler so much that he won’t stop until this Good Samaritan hits the road.

It should be noted that this episode didn’t have a preachy backbone to it, and was just classic Squidbillies in which Early is a jerk for no reason. Several episodes this season have had a moral or social message shoved in your face, but not this one. Despite featuring a new Presbyterian preacher, religion plays no noticeable role besides moving the plot forward. The same plot could have happened with a new sheriff, a new teacher, or a new doctor. I almost expected to be force-fed some metaphor about how religion makes us all drones who don’t think for ourselves, or something similar; but that never happened.

“Greener Pastor” felt like an old ‘Billies episode. It was simple with no political message being pushed. It was just the story of a kind man being bullied by a mean squid.
