Review: Rick and Morty “The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy”

Put yo’ hands in the air!

Spoilers Below

Rick and Jerry head to a planet kinda just to chill out when Jerry comes across an opportunity to possibly get Rick assassinated by some local guys. Doing this could help save repair Jerry’s marriage to Beth so Jerry sets it up for both he and Rick to go on the “Whirly Dirly”, but because we’re on a planet that is unable to allow death to occur, everyone makes it out ok until the planet’s atmosphere disappears.The duo head back to a spaceship where Rick is hit with a synaptic dampener that makes him stupid and allows Jerry to give his ex-father in law a few verbal jabs. Rick’s assassin shows up and sends Jerry and Rick to an alternate dimension and when everyone comes back, they’re all of a sudden cool with each other. Jerry and Rick head home just in time to see that the rest of the family is back home safe and sound

Meanwhile, Summer fucks around with Rick’s machine and it causes her to become a giant. Beth and Morty find the machine and attempt to bring her back to normal, but Beth wants to use alternate means to just calling on her dad for assistance. Summer takes off to try and kill this dude but Beth shows up also as a monster but Morty decides to have a word with this guy and that’s all I have to say…about that.

Our Take

One of the things that probably go unnoticed each and every week with the producers of Rick and Morty is how stellar the art direction really is. Most notably in the Rick and Jerry bit, the trippy sequences were stellar, and the creature designs on the monsters continue to be some of the best in the business, probably only comparable to Japanese anime in terms of the level of uniqueness that each monster brings.

And like all good episodes of Rick and Morty, this show brings the laughs. For starters, I don’t trust this Gene character living next door for ONE second. I feel like something’s going down next door and we’re all gonna get it quick from him, I just know it,

Beth’s stubbornness was also hilarious, probably one of the funniest scenes of the episode was when she attempted to call customer service over her father’s crazy contraption, and I really enjoyed being on a planet with the boys where no one dies.

In terms of the divorce arc, we’re officially halfway through the show’s third season and I think this was the first episode that really started to DEAL with the therapeutic elements of Jerry and Beth’s divorce. Fingers were kinda being pointed and Morty had to be the man of the house when no one else could. This is also the heaviest Jerry episode of the season since the split, which I think was intentional. There’s a lot more of the show still to come, but I’ll be curious to see if some of the ramifications of what happened this week spill out over the next few episodes.
