Review: Red vs Blue “A Sitch in Time”

A race against time.


Donut wakes up and realizes that things have gone terribly wrong.

Our Take:

It’s the start of a new season!

Chrovos has returned, and seems to have been unsealed, at least partially. The hammer did work, but not entirely. Because the hammer managed to graze Chrovos, it managed to contain him but not completely seal him away. As such, he can’t leave the separate space that he’s been confined in, but even that isn’t a certainty. The issue with the Reds and Blues getting flung across time-space mean that they are inadvertently causing more problems by being in different places. Each time they splinter time by creating a parallel universe that shouldn’t exist, Chrovos’ prison grows weaker. Not to mention, it’s not just the Reds and Blues that are lost in time as well, but also O’Malley (via Doc) and Genkins, just to complicate things more.

Donut, having been left behind in Chrovos’ prison, is the only one that didn’t get flung into the space-time paradox. Also, he is the only one who has full complete awareness of what is happening and knows what Chrovos’ plan is. As such, he is the only at the moment who has any chance of stopping the inevitable. Most likely, he’ll be the series protagonist as he travels to recover the Reds and Blues from being trapped in the past and hopefully, seal Chrovos once again.

Unfortunately, Donut doesn’t have the best reputation in the group. He affirmed how they felt to him in the season finale of last season, but that doesn’t mean that how he is seen by them is any different than before. To put things lightly, the main team doesn’t respect Donut much, and he was one of the last members to officially become part of the group. He’s the closest thing to an outsider, and it’ll be hard for an outsider to reconnect with people who don’t even realize that they’re lost in time. None of the Reds and Blues that are in different time periods have a single clue that they don’t belong there, and therefore, would have to be convinced to do otherwise.

All in all, short episode, but set up plenty for what’s to come from the season ahead. Depending on how things go, this could be pretty interesting. A fight against the gods, but this time with a twist. If they manage to right things before Chrovos’ prison is broken, then he’ll remain there forever. It wouldn’t be as much of a fight as maintaining the status quo, and the team could manage that… maybe.
