Review: Phineas and Ferb ‘ La Candace-Cabra; Happy Birthday, Isabella ‘


La Candace-Cabra

Right away Major has to take a class on accepting animals as people, but not before he sends Perry on another mission to see what Doof is up to. Turns out the mad scientist has new hair products AND a new inator where he can switch places with anyone he zaps. His plan is to zap people WITH hair and make them bald so that now people have to purchase Doof hair products to grow hair back. As Doof gets ready to take off on his biplane, Perry again escapes the litany of traps Doof puts him in and is able to get on the plane while its in mid-air. A fight ensues and Perry takes an inator because he has to stop an agent chupacabra that just made its way in town by way of New Mexico.

Yep, Phineas and Ferb team up with Baljeet and Buford to fly to New Mexico in an attempt to capture the fabled chupacabra. They do exactly that, and when they return with the boxed creature Candace uses this as a ploy to get her brothers trapped once and for all. However, Perry flies over and with the switch-inator is able to switch Buford in an animal costume with the Agent CH of whom is now on his way back to New Mexico.

Apart from the decent twist at the end this was your pretty typical Phineas and Ferb episode. However, it was pretty funny seeing Buford stand-in for Isabella. One of the things that struck me was the show’s introduction of smartphones and the fact that now Candace has new tools at her disposal to catch her brothers red-handed. I’m looking forward to all the different apps Doof is going to come up with.

7.5 out of 10


Happy Birthday, Isabella

All Isabella really wants for her birthday is some alone time with Phineas, but the boys have a whole bunch of surprises in store for her and Candace is just WAITING to bust her bros. At first everything seems to go pretty smooth, from pinatas and streamers to the big huge cake this looks to be the best party ever. Isabella doesn’t seem thrilled as she goes to make a wish, she wishes for alone time with Phineas. Phineas has a grand finale plan when…

Perry catches up to Doof’s ‘Platypus-proof’ bus and after some trash talk Perry ends up beating the crap out of Doof and crashes it into Stacy’s house. Armed with a new “Bugs Me-inator” that turns everything into bugs, Doof tries his best to zap Perry but again he just gets beaten up. Problem is…Stacy is home and she now knows ALL about Perry’s blown cover. At first she just hides as Doof and Perry continue their battle, but when she tries to intervene she slips into oil leaked from the bus and as such is covered almost looking like the little girl from The Ring. The “Bugs Me-inator” goes off and it zaps into a satellite and comes back down to turn Isabella’s big huge surprise into a bunch of butterflies. This was going to be Candace’s shot at busting her brothers, but alas is again thwarted.

We have a problem here, Stacy knows all about Perry and with the O.W.C.A. crew in tow to help clean up the mess, Perry has to make sure Stacy doesn’t tell anyone what went down. She agrees in exchange for avoiding having her mind erased Stacy tells a lie to the Major and now everyone is Scott-Free.

Isabella finally gets her wish…alone time with Phineas at the local ice cream shop.

This was by far the better of the two episodes tonight mainly due to the fact that Stacy getting the ‘in’ on Perry certainly provides a rather exciting arc that can be used in the future. There were definitely some funny moments to be had like Buford constantly tagging and bagging Isabella before every surprise, and I had a lot of fun with all of the different surprises as the contraptions were all thought out rather well. The episode leaves a few questions like, ‘What happens next?’ and that’s what the show is supposed to do.

9 out of 10