Review: Marvel’s Avengers: Black Panther’s Quest “The Night Has Wings”


Some might say…the Dark…Knight?

Overview (Spoilers Below)

After knocking off Crossbones, Black Panther has to travel to a village on the outskirts of Wakanda to do battle with Klaw who is capturing large bats and using their shock waves to cause damage. Fortunately, Black Panther is able to put a stop, but we learn that Klaw was working Kilmonger who is close by and lets us know that everything is going according to plan.

Our Take

Giant bats? Pass. Pretty lame villain selection to go along with the other lame villain selections that this show has presented us with so far. Between snakes, bats, and whatever else non-sensical thing these writers can come up with, this show is about as unoriginal as it gets. All of the fight scenes were marred with stupid special effects and Klaw’s depiction is pretty substandard.

In terms of production value, there were actually some cool-looking scenes. For example, when Black Panther is cloaked in darkness and then his costume is barely seen in a shroud of black, I came away rather impressed. The problem is, the lack of TRUE storytelling (I actually still have no clue why Klaw was even here in the first place) and no real punch to get me excited.
