English Dub Review: Maria the Virgin Witch “By Faith, Not Arms”


Well, I bet you can guess the look on my face when Maria dropped the bomb that Archangel Michael is a male. The voice and body doesn’t lie, though. Anyway, I think I am getting more and more attached to Maria the Virgin Witch, because I take away something that I know will get some ridicule. Michael coming down and being overly oppressive towards the non-believers. I don’t buy into the religious aspect of the book, but I am sure that there are some good messages. By the way, Priapos is my favorite character. All this dude wants is to get a peen to give to girls. Is that so much to ask?

The is still going on, but Maria is finding new and inventive ways to piss of her new “guardian,” Ezekiel. Well, this was easy to call, since she is actually called a girl.I should probably back up a bit. Michael was a short second away from killing Maria, but Joseph professed love for Maria. So, Maria got a holy judgment (which just boils down to a curse) from Michael saying that she can’t practice magic in front of the masses, or she dies. Also, she can’t have per powers if she’s not a virgin.  The funny thing here is that Ezekiel is nothing more than a servant girl because she’s supposed to keep watch over Maria in Michael’s stead.

The story got a lot of needed expansion here, especially with the new character, Ezekiel. Having an all seeing eye on Maria is supposed to keep her in check, but only time will tell it actually works. Most of the story here is throwing some conflict between Maria and Ezekiel, because Maria isn’t used to having someone keep her in check. This is something that may actually be needed, because shows aren’t fun if there isn’t a real conflict for the main character to deal with.

“By Faith, Not Arms” does the conflict of believer and non-believer a lot of justice. No matter what side of the Catholic fence, there are things to enjoy. No matter how much people want to disagree, people find humor in the show taking a lot of liberties in what is traditionally shown in regards to the assumptions of who looks like what, and what the interpretations are. I think the fingers this show flings in the air towards this is fantastic. I can watch this for days.