Review: Lazor Wulf “We Good!; Where You From?”

Time to get schooled in pole dancing and lemon-flavored history.


“We Good!” follows the “Word Talk” Canon Wulf has about how the Delicadanci — a local pole dancing establishment — inspired him throughout his days as a young, abandoned pup. In present day, he attempts to capitalize on the Delicadanci by providing the dancers with modern, high-tech poles. The poles, however, do not agree with the dancers, and wind up taking over the Delicadanci by force. Canon Wulf is forced to realize that turning a profit means nothing if the integrity of the dancing he loved is compromised. He, the dancers, and the Lazor Wulf crew all band together to defeat the techno-poles — restoring the Delicadanci to what it once was.

“Where You From?” is told as a history lesson about the city of Strongburg — where apparent ancestors of the Lazor Wulf gang were all involved in The Battle of the Ades; a documented account of a prevalent, lemonade-related civil war. Robert A. Horse (Stupid Horse’s ancestor) is the owner of a savory lemonade company, which is sabotaged by Eli Yeti and Can N. Wulf (Yeti and Canon Wulf’s respective ancestors) in order to make sweet lemonade a thing. The two sides engage in political (and physical) warfare until Muskitt Wulf (Lazor Wulf’s ancestor) incites a peace treaty between the two sides. Savory lemonade is slowly (thankfully) faded out of existence in favor of good ol’ fashioned sweet lemonade.

Our Take

Interestingly enough, both of these episodes were told from a narrator’s perspective, rather than just being shown as regular, non-expository stories. Whether it was an intended touch or not, it made for a cool parallel — among the many cool things in each episode.

Just as we got a small peek into Yeti’s life a few episodes ago, we now have some Canon Wulf lore in “We Good!”. Abandoned as a pup and raised on pole dancers? It’s like a Courage the Cowardly Dog AU! If Courage had a canon attached to his body and an affinity for mo’ money, that is. The “empty space” problem was especially prominent in this episode, where backgrounds were overly vacant. Part of Lazor Wulf’s stylistic appeal is its simplistic, cartoony charm. However, a little more detail could be just the thing to keep the world from feeling like a vacuum (it occasionally feels like the “Alone” space in Spongebob Squarepants.) Gripes aside, the Ted Talk gag was a fun way of framing the episode, and the plot itself was a tonally fitting way of explaining why Canon Wulf is the way he is.

“Where You From?” was a pretty interesting way of showcasing the characters’ (literal) historical relations to each other. While entertaining, it starts to bring up a thematic question: what exactly is Lazor Wulf about? While it’s definitely a series that showcases a casually chaotic neighborhood life, this episode turns away from this theme in order to randomly do a history episode about lemonade. It’s experimental, at the very least. A fascinating point to additionally bring up: since Can N. Wulf, Muskitt Wulf, and Bayonette Wulf were all siblings, could this mean that Canon Wulf, Lazor Wulf, and Blazor Wulf are all siblings too? #DeepestLore.

Of course, both episodes still bring the colorful, wacky, dialogue/plots that are executed in a cheekily casual way — such is the humor and charm of the show. Historically speaking, no one should expect any less.