Review: Happy Wheels “D. E. A. T. H. S. Go Medieval”

On second thought, let’s not go to Camelot.

So we’re back to this. Yeah.

The group strolls through the local Renaissance Fair as Stephen reports there were 398 fatalities at this last year, but this year they have reduced that by 6. Of course, the joke of this is supposed to be that, despite them forming a group in order to counteract this many fatalities, they were only able to reduce it by a small amount, and yet are proud of this. However, the joke should really be why the hell they bother to do this in the first place when there aren’t any fatalities at all, considering how everyone here is immortal. I realize the intended humor, but they are killing their own joke instantly by resetting the status quo every episode. Everything about this show is just such mind fuck and not in even the remotely good ways.

Charles goes looking for things in the dumpster and is bisected, which I only bring up because he leaves his wheelchair open for a Mexican version of himself with sunglasses to take over for the episode. This impacts nothing. It’s not funny. It makes no sense. Please help me.

With the Ren Fair nearly over, Jim realizes he was going to bring Cody but forgot. He hastily makes his way home to pick Cody up, who is in his pajamas for some reason. It might be to imply that this is nearly night time, but the lighting in this show never changes, so who could possibly tell. Jim shows him jousting, which gets Stephen stabbed and torn to shreds. He gives him ice cream but then gives it to Janet. He takes him on a catapult ride, which sends Cody on a Rube-Goldberg machine-ish tumble leading to the fair being engulfed in flames. Cody lands in a pile of hay and is then picked up by a falcon to be taken to its nest. Three months later, Cody is convinced he is a bird, so when his new siblings fly out of the nest, he believes he can too. This fails, naturally, but we get to see him slowly fall out of the tree, hitting every branch, losing multiple limbs, and getting stabbed no less than twice. Unfortunately, not even the gruesome death of a small child can make this situation any better for me.

What do I even say about this? It’s not good. As stated last week, once you show that much violent chaos all at once and show it has no consequence whatsoever, it becomes very difficult to feel anything for how anything else plays out if you’re not a huge fan of that stuff. I don’t care at all for Jim or his attempts to win favor with his likely brain dead son, and none of the humor landed. It’s…just…hollow.
