Review: Gary And His Demons “Guy On The Tiger”

Ready to fight!

Overview(Spoilers Below)

Gary befriends a tiger after it saves him from a vicious demon. Unfortunately, the demon bites the tiger and in fact has injected him with a venom that soon turns the tiger into a demon as well. That said, Gary loves “Mr. Stripes” so much that when it comes time to kill the demon tiger he can’t. Eventually, Gary is bitten by the tiger and a choice has to be made on who gets the antidote which ultimately goes to Gary.

Our Take

We’ve definitely seen lead characters befriend animals to the point of unhealthy addictions, but I’m not sure the premise has ever been done quite as well as Gary. The tiger was really well scripted and had a bunch of hilarious points of choreography that was so damn ridiculous that you couldn’t help but bust out with laughs. On top of that, I dare you to not feel as heavy as Gary felt at the end when our titular hero hears the fate of his furry new friend.

The character design on the demonic tiger was absolutely terrifying and I wish we were able to see more of a battle take place and perhaps even more of what happened to the feral beast after Gary was put in a coma. Still, though, the “Guy On The Tiger” song was a very well-written take on an overtly cliched song that desperately needed that extra boost so that the montage didn’t fall into mediocrity which it just as easily could have because “Eye of the Tiger” montages are about as common as a cold and twice as lethal.

Little more than a quarter-way through the season, it’s hard to see if this show really wants to be a serial or a Rick and Morty type deal where we just get a whacky old guy that goes on demon-slaying adventures every week. Unfortunately, Gary doesn’t really have that second bankable character to lean on like the aforementioned series does, and as such, we don’t get a lot of variety just yet. This week did a slightly better job with the doctors searching for the antidote for Gary’s cure, but no one really has been established as another character that Gary And His Demons can lean on for viable secondary plots. We’ve still got a ways to go before the end of the season and I doubt anything changes, but if I’m the producers, I’m thinking about additional character development for the show’s second season.
