Review: Deep Space 69 “Full Metal Koala”


Overview (Spoilers Below)

Jay and the crew crash land on a planet but get separated in the process. While Jay spends most of the episode tripping on some of the local edibles, Hamilton and P3 run into koala soldiers from Ham’s destroyed planet who are there protecting something of grave importance from the invading pandas lead by Red Panda. Eventually, the pandas do show up to the planet and slaughter everyone except for our heroes who reconnect and head out on their ship so as to save the galaxy of possible extermination.

Our Take

This week’s episode helps jump-start a finale arc that looks like it could be fun. I kind of wish Red Koala was more of a problem throughout the season instead of just kind of showing up now, but I’ll take what I can get in terms of juicy storylines when they come from a show featuring a tripping lead character that makes pals with a talking sperm for a majority of the episode.

The big battle scene was really done well, I like how violent this show can get, but I don’t know if I have a vested interest in the “package” that was picked up. There isn’t anyone in this series that I really care THAT much about and whether or not I need to see them alive for much longer.
