Review: Blark and Son “Stacey’s Mom Has Got It Going On”


Overview (Spoilers Below):

Stacey’s mother, Frankie (Jane Lynch), arrives at the scene and starts flirting with Blark. She also stays over at Blark’s house, much to Stacey’s frustration. Then, Stacey and Blark attempted to patch up the relationship between Stacey and his mother.

Our Take:

The love is still in the air for Blark and Son this Valentine’s weekend. After watching Son and Regina get back together yesterday, the episode sees Blark finding love of his own in the form of Stacey’s mother. However, that part was pretty brief as the central focus is on Stacey attempting to tell his mom that he wants to write novels. During this process, he is adjusting to his role as Blark’s son during Son’s absence.  

This is more or less of a filler episode that may or may not connect to the season’s overall plot and was bogged down by its cliched formula. However, the episode’s guest star, Jane Lynch, managed to keep it from having severe mommy issues. Lynch is known for playing characters with snarky attitudes, and her role as Stacey’s mother is no exception. The delivery of her dialogue was the most fun part of the episode. Okay, that and Blark treating Stacey like he’s his son. If the next episode continues where it left off, Ben Bayouth should change the show’s name to Blark and Stacey. You know, since the end of the episode has Blark and Frankie making tons of love to each other. Better yet, he should make a spin-off series centering on Blark and Stacey. Better make that happen, Bayouth.

While there’s nothing too special about this episode of Blark and Son, it’s still an entertaining piece of filler that features Blark hitting on Stacey’s mom. Despite the story being cliched, Jane Lynch’s performance and the humor were enough to make mommy’s visit a worthy treat. If my indication is correct, Stacey would have to start calling Blark “daddy” sooner rather than later. What a way to kick off Valentine’s Day.