Review: Aqua Teen Hunger Force Forever ‘Hospice’

Spoilers Below:

Carl, you make us all look like better sons – FOR THAT, I SALUTE YOU.

But on the reals, despite this week’s Aqua Teen being centered around Sir Carl, I still wasn’t a big fan. How is that possible you say?! Read below, weary traveler.

Let’s start out with da’ facts first:

-The plot of this episode revolves around Carl being forced to give his sick mother home care (should be funny.)
-This episode featured all the main characters interacting together (should be funny.)

Result?  Not so much.

Now while I know this seems like the perfect storm for spawning humor, it just didn’t really hit the mark. One prominent theory afoot (within my brain and ancient astronaut theorists) is that Carl being mean to his Mom actually got a little sad after a while. I know this sounds crazy, but with Carl acting so terrible – and her not seeming like she deserved it – it just wasn’t as funny. Wasn’t Carl’s Mom supposed to be super mean and terrible or is my memory wrong?  Back me up here, Aqua bros…

What could this episode have done better? If you ask me (which you have no option about because I run dis bitch), they should have made Carl’s Mom just crazy mean or just crazy. THEN, they could make Carl be even meaner to her AND you would feel like she deserved it.  Also, in addition to, and therefore in conclusion, when Carl is angry and/or depressed it is hilarious.  Just tasty stuff.

I don’t know, maybe I’m right, maybe I’m wrong, maybe I’m just too harsh of a critic – BUT GOD DAMMIT ITS MY JOB.

By the way, why wasn’t there an Aqua Teen last week? Who knows?! Probably top science men. TOP. MEN.

Until next time, keep it real in the comments and let me know if I’m slippin’ or just tell me I’m a mafackin’ GENIUS.
