Reddit AMA Recap: David Wain of Superjail!



Yesterday, David Wain took part in a Reddit AMA talking about a WIDE range of projects, not the least of which was Superjail! which is currently in its fourth season on Adult Swim. Admittedly, the SJ! questions were few and far between, but we got good value. For example, he was asked about weird shit he has to do in the recording studios when recording as ‘The Warden’

 They are always asking me to do weird grunts and screams and howls. I just trust that they know what they’re looking for and will put it together!

But are the personality traits between The Warden and David similar in anyway?

I’m not too much like the Warden. I only wish I had that level of energy and physical flexibility.

Now here’s an idea. As you know the Disney super-hit Frozen featured a song by Idina Menzel called ”Let It Go” and someone asked if ”The Warden” would cover it in an upcoming episode of Superjail! At first, I thought it was the most ridiculous thing I had ever heard, but then slowly I was like, ”I really wanna see this now”…David’s thoughts?

I’d really like to do that. Superjail producers listen up!

So yea, that was the long skinny of it in terms of Superjail! notes coming from David Wain’s Reddit AMA session. Go here to read more, and remember that Superjail! airs THIS Sunday Night on Adult Swim @ 11:45 pm ET/PT, check your local listings!