It’s Webs Day! Deep Space 69 (@mondoanimation), Icons of Teen #6 (@shutupcartoons), Mortal Kombat: Bank Robbery (@dashiexp)

It’s Webs Day! This week we take a look at new installments from Deep Space 69, Icons of Teen, and a Mortal Kombat inspired bank robbery that would make the producers of Heat blush with envy. Check it out after the jump!


Deep Space 69

Jay gets a message that his pilots license is up for renewal. So it’s off to Department of Space Vehicle to renew. I loved that they showed tons of other pilots like Zapp Brannigan and Han Solo in this scene. After failing his pilots test because the instructor is rather busty, Jay must rely on something he does best to get that license. And that thing is “Penis.” After sleeping with Urusla, who resembles lots of girls I used to date in high school, his license is granted. This toon had me laughing from beginning to end! Great Job!



 Icons of Teen #6


In this episode, Indiana Jones explains the origins of his hatred of snakes. As it turns out, Indy was actually raised by snakes in their giant snake village. One day, the snakes sent Indy on a mission to the top of a mountain to destroy a demon. On his journey he encounters a giant and in true Indiana Jones fashion makes the giants head pop off! Having moved past the giant, Indo comes face to face with the demon. As it turns out, the snakes lied to Indy and the demon had no plans on destroying their town. The demon is suffering from a parasite and Indy takes it upon himself to rid the demon of said parasite. He does so by getting eaten, kicking the parasite out, and moving into the belly of the beast for 5 years. As it turns out Indiana Jones is a lazy bastard. The animation shows some flashes of “King Of The Hill” which is pretty cool. The sound effects and voice acting, however, leave a little bit to be desired. I don’t hate it but I didn’t love it either.


Mortal Kombat: Bank Robbery

So it seems that Raiden owes Baracka $20. The Mortal Kombat checks have been slowing down as of late and Radien is desperate. So he teleports himself and Baracka into a bank vault to rob the whole friggin place! And just as Raiden is trying to convince Baracka to start chewing on the bars, in pops Batman! Baracka has a fangirl moment and totally freaks out!! After some back and forth between Raiden and Batman, The Dark Knight summons the Batmobile and totally wrecks house! The animation in this toon is very interesting to me. They use stock gameplay footage of the characters and manipulate the mouths in a way only seen in stop motion. It was really refreshing to see a cartoon try something new. That aspect coupled with the voice acting was hilarious! I thoroughly enjoyed this toon!
