Happy 4/20! Get High And Watch These 10 Cartoons

A lot of people note Adult Swim as “TV for Stoners”, but if you look up and down the roster of shows today and really of yesteryear there were only maybe a handful of franchises that were for the stoner. Certainly, the longer-running shows like Venture Bros., Morel Oral, and Robot Chicken weren’t THAT geared towards stoners whence compared to the Wonder Showzens or Perfect Hair Forever. But, inarguably, the king of stoner shows on Adult Swim was Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Perhaps if the Harold & Kumar show had actually happened, we’d have a battle, but it didn’t sooooo.

I don’t care what it was called, Hunger Force, Show Show, Forever, it doesn’t matter. When your series characters are a box of French fries, a milkshake, and a meatball vs Carl who might be higher than all of them at any given time, you get the crown and you keep the crown. I’m still waiting for the second fucking movie.