English Dub Review: Star Blazers: Space Battleship Yamato 2202 “Tension – Reach the Embassy on the Moon”

To the moon.

Overview (Spoilers Below)

This week’s episode of Star Blazers sees the Gatlantis Empire move ever so closer to waging war on Earth and the Gamilas, but back on Earth, the old Yamato crew gets together for a reunion to remember the three year anniversary of their former captain’s death. Unfortunately, it’s not all fun and games despite the saki, because everyone from the crew has been getting visions and as a result, there’s early talk of another space mission to help someone in peril…but who? In the meantime, Kodai begins investigations of what’s going down and is tasked with visiting a moon-based embassy.

Our Take

Second week, and Star Blazers is still working towards the eventual confrontation between Earth and the Gatlantis, however, we really don’t know why just yet. In any event, the action has started to uptick a little, and that’s a good thing because anytime this show does anything to do with war via aviation it’s fun. As such, it’s just a smattering right now,  but it’s definitely warming up.

One of the fun things about Star Blazers thus far is the reinvigorated planet Earth that is supposedly going to be here in 200 years. It’s not a lot, but you’ll be rewinding a bit to take in on the background sci-fi elements going on and it’s really quite a marvel. Unfortunately, it appears this will be a short-lived preview of the future of Earth, however, I’m hoping it’s not and we’ll see the producers’ take on the future of our civilization aside from warfare and personal gain.
