English Dub Review: Smile of the Arsnotoria “On three”


Mell picks up a cat’s whisker, considered a lucky charm, which kicks off an interesting chain of events…

Our Take

Another episode of “girls just wanna have fun”, I guess it’s nice when it doesn’t have a narrative flow, it comes across as boring and almost interchangeable when the fun segments feel like filler episodes.

And a scene later on where Pica finds a “cat whisker” leads them on a short quest with people taking interest in the whisker, to a truckload of sandwiches and Arsnotoria’s cowlick failing from a case of a bad hair day, its relaxation for the Pentagram students.

Overall, a confusing episode before the big finale next week. It also seems the knights are finally gonna attack the academy despite not knowing if they found the place or not, I don’t know what the finale is gonna be about or if it’ll culminate towards anything, to begin with…