English Dub Review: Radiant “Seth in the Forest of Time -Caillte-“



Myr manages to smuggle Seth away from Diabal and his shadowy allies, taking him to a secret location so his wife can heal Seth’s odd wounds. Melie, Doc, and Ocoho also end up tagging along, taking them all into an underground forest full of previously unknown creatures and plants, some of which have supposedly gone extinct long ago. The healer in question turns out to be Myr’s wife Jill, who is a giant plant lady and basically Poison Ivy crossed with an Ent from Lord of the Rings. She and Myr project themselves into the realm Seth has been in since he went unconscious, which turns out to not be his mind, but a spiritual plane known as “The Sidh”.

Seems Piodon is the one that made Seth capable of accessing this plane, along with the floating black eye which seems to act as a defense mechanism. And at the moment, Seth needs that eye to stay alive until his wounds are healed, so Myr is holding it in place so he doesn’t go berserk again. Ocoho also brings Melie and Doc in on the spiritual skype call, which gives Melie and Seth a chance to have a do-over conversation from last night. Seth wants to let himself die so that he doesn’t risk hurting more people, but Melie tells him that he taught her to look past her own dangerous curse so he can too! This is just another aspect of himself that he has to learn to control! And Seth agrees…as long as they learn to control it together. Though in the meantime, he’s staying to train with Myr.

See, all you need to repair a friendship is to get mortally wounded and on the brink of death! I kid, but it does seem like there wasn’t much there could have been to get Seth and Melie talking again besides some horrible injury to either of them. Clearly their last little chat left many things unresolved and unsaid which we would have to get back to at a later date. Luckily, it seems it’s only taken us a few episodes to finally get them to make up AND in a rather concise and thematically rich way! It basically comes down to how Seth has been willing to accept Melie’s own potential dangers in her curse, but once realizing his own destructive potential, he fears for her safety, not knowing that he’s unwittingly given her the solution to accepting the very situation he’s now in! It’s good to seem them being friends again and bonding over this, though hopefully this isn’t the end of Melie’s major involvement in the story.

The other thing worth noting is all the lore stuff we just learned about this episode. For one, we have what might be this story’s equivalent of the Sage Nature from Naruto in the form of The Sidh, a spiritual plane linked to nature that can be mentally awakened by powerful beings. Seth’s gotten a bit of a cheat code from Piodon for reasons we don’t quite know or understand yet, but it looks like understanding the Sidh will be the key to controlling the black eye thing in Seth’s advantage. And something about the preview caught my ear, specifically the line that Seth will learn “the secrets of Fantasia”, implying that learning from Myr and Jill will reveal the magic that Sorcerer’s use actually comes from the Sidh. And if that’s the case and Nemeses bring that out in the people they make contact with, how might THEY be connected?

Looks like these are all things to figure out in the coming episodes. Once again we’re making a lot of significant headway in the story and learning a ton of interesting aspects of both the characters and world around them as things slowly escalate towards the next stage of development, which is all I can really ask for in a story like this. Though I think we’ve covered everything shown in the OP? Could we possibly end up having another before the Season’s over?