English Dub Review: Lastman “This Is the Last Time I’m Going To Ask You Nicely”

Kiss, gently.

Overview (Spoilers Below)

After 26 weeks, we get the big battle we were all waiting for. A three-way between Aldana, Siri’s Ren form, and Rizel. Anyone who has read the comic series for Lastman will obviously guess who survives, but the battle is waged, casualties are had, and there is a very definitive exit to that of the “Valley of the Kings” the main setting for the  Bastien Vivès and Balak written series that hopefully is produced next.

Our Take

That final battle is pretty intense. If you thought you have seen everything this series has to offer in terms of technical prowess, you’d be wrong. Anyone who donated to the Kickstarter campaign that made this thing a reality, take heart, Lastman makes every dollar count and sends off fans with a nod to the comics series of which this animated series acts as a prequel for. We’re gonna do a season review to let you know if we want more but in a short answer…yes.
