English Dub Review: ISEKAI QUARTET “Work Together! Field Day”



It’s finally time for field day! The gang is going up against their rivals (and Yunyun) for the grand prize of getting to go home. After a few short interactions with one another (and a skipped speech by Megumin) the events begin. The rivals appear to be winning, being ten points ahead of their counterparts. That’s when Roswaal chimes in with an event that’s worth 100,000,000 points (leading the cast to question what the point was of all the other events.)

A game of chicken is to decide who wins between Class 1 and Class 2. Lord Ains, Tanya, Subaru and Kazuma are competing against Reinhard, Julius, Chris, and Felt. The game rages on (since Reinhard’s abilities make things difficult) but then, a sudden twist is unveiled! The teachers (Roswaal, Vanir, Erich Rerugen, and Pandora’s Actor) arrive in a chicken formation to make things more difficult. Class 1’s team and Class 2’s team decide to set aside their differences in order to defeat the teachers. Using their abilities to their advantage, they manage to take out Rerugen — but the trio of teachers still have another trick up their sleeve. The mobile fortress Destroyer appears before the cast as the teachers’ secret weapon.

Our Take

Things are really heating up for the gang as ISEKAI QUARTET nears its finish. Obviously, the cast was already big enough as it was without the addition of Class 1 rival cast. With all the characters meshed into one arena, it’s natural that there wouldn’t be a focus on most characters, and that there would be more of centralization to the main quartet. However, this lead to sort of a cop-out when it came to the field day events, as all of them (except for the chicken event, of course) weren’t even animated — they were mostly static images of the characters competing against one another. Although they didn’t technically even matter in the end, it would have been nice to actually see what went on during those events, instead of just being given a short one-image synopsis for each.

Pacing and screen-time issues aside, ISEKAI QUARTET is still dishing out surprises. The addition of characters like Pandora’s Actor and Yunyun to the show were unforeseen and very chuckle-worthy. Seeing Lord Ains’ reaction to his “son” was one of the funniest parts of the episode. Speaking of unforeseen hilarity — when on earth did characters ever use bleep-worthy curses on this show? When the Destroyer appeared on the field, they straight up let Kazuma say f**k. It almost made things feel like an Adult Swim anime parody.

With the last episode making its way to a dub-debut, it’s imperative to recognize how awesome it was that they got all these shows’ voice actors together (even with the dated meme dialogue Kazuma spouts sometimes.) All of them are talented without a doubt — though, hearing Yunyun in comparison to Aqua makes it a little hard the ears. Someday they’ll stop making anime girls sound like pitched-up whiny toddlers. Someday.

Anyway — cheers to all our favorite characters going home next episode! …Right?