English Dub Review: Garo: Vanishing Line “My Sister” ; “Future”

And that’s a wrap!


In the final two episodes, we essentially get the clean up for the show’s season. Gina destroys Queen but Luke nearly dies trying to take on Knight by himself leaving Sword to have to destroy both King and eventually Knight in Makai form.Sophie’s able to get the password that allows her to delete the rogue program that Martin built.

After Luke erases her memory, we forward to a year later at the orphanage and note that Sophie has grown up quite a bit in her stature though she still wants to see if Sword is ok. Thanks to her ruby, some of her memories come back and Sophie’s able to reconnect with both Sword and Gina. All the meanwhile, Luke becomes a Makai Knight and Bishop is out and about somewhere.

Our Take

As expected, Sword cleaning house was crazy as hell but watching Sophie mature into someone that wants more ended up being the most satisfying part of the conclusive story for me. Her interest in wanting to be a Makai Knight is interesting as I’ve never known her to be someone that interested in violence but to each their own. We’ll go more in-depth in the season review, but after 24 episodes we get a satisfying wrap to Garo: Vanishing Line.
