English Dub Review: Garo: The Vanishing Line “Rebirth”

Some may say, Dark Knight Rises.

Overview (Spoilers Below)

EMS deals with the fallout from the huge battle from last week, so it’s time for a FLASHBACK! As Luke is getting patched up, we learn all about the moments that lead to Dark Knight and Luke having a falling out. To put it frankly, the Dark Knight killed Luke’s mom and took off. This after Luke’s mom taught both he and Dark Knight all about killing Horrors. Luke stops by a funeral for one of the firefighters killed during the town cleanup then takes off after El Dorado…but not before requesting a punch in the face from Meifong.

Our Take

Yea, that last part was weird. One thing I wanted to bring up this week is that I’m rather impressed with the monster character designs in this show, however, a little bit everything you can see borrowed from other properties. Familiar weaponry, naming conventions, cliche reasonings to go into battle, and as it pertains to this week, not a lot that advanced the main quest which is Garo/Sophie on their way to kick ass. Still, though, entertaining fight scenes and a pretty cool message about the sacrifices firefighters make in the line of duty.
