English Dub Review: BEM “Gravity”



Bela is invited to the circus to see an unusual act.

Our Take:

Overall, this was a very tragic episode. This series doesn’t exactly extol humanity, and is more willing to show the terrible things people do to each other, but this one felt all the more upsetting because we were rooting for the new duo. We wanted them to escape and find peace, but they didn’t even get that. Above all, they weren’t monsters- they were human, but they couldn’t even be granted that by their fellow humans.

It really does beg the question as what exactly the little girl is. Bela says that she’s not a monster, but indeed human. If this is true, and she was brought into the governmental facility and experimented on afterward, that would have certainly increased her powers. However, she was brought into the facility in the first place, and that meant there was some reason for that. It’s pretty likely that she had those powers beforehand, which implies that she was either born with them or developed them normally. If that’s so, then humans would have the ability to develop supernatural powers on their own, without being monsters.

This really puts a lot out there to think about. What classifies something as human and non-human? The trio of Bem, Belo, and Bela are monster first that can transform between human and monster, but their powers are explained by them being monsters. The modified humans that they fought have been given abilities via the mad doctor’s scientific experiments, even if those results border on the supernatural. However, if a young child had those powers initially, without any experimentation, then what’s the classification there? Many questions.

This episode also shows that the government has been experimenting on civilians for years, especially if they’ve been initially exposed to something unusual. Considering that a member of the unseen council knows Bem, it’s highly likely that the trio has been in governmental capture before. After all, they have previously mentioned that they have been betrayed by humans multiple times. If that’s the case, then I have to wonder what the council’s aim is. The council is very lax with the modified humans running about and killing people, and based off what they’ve given the new chief of police, the modified humans are to be ignored, and only capturing the Alphas are priority. If the council isn’t giving the doctor orders, they at the very least don’t care that he’s out there doing his thing.