Emmy Talk: Hulu Checks In ‘Insult Comic Dog’ for “Outstanding Variety Special”

Count my vote.

Last year, a former Robert Smigel mainstay in Saturday Night Live won this category, this year, Smigel’s own special is being put in for Emmy consideration by Hulu. That being the excellent Triumph’s Election Special 2016. Another election special is currently in production, and I can’t wait to see it.

That said, I think this category should be wide open, but I know the major networks each have had shitty live specials air earlier this year. I’m rooting for Triumph. 

In Triumph’s Election Special 2016, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog hits the 2016 presidential campaign trail. Viewers will be taken from Iowa to New Hampshire to South Carolina in a tenacious news-gathering journey in the heat of the primary election season. Triumph has already visited a Democratic Debate, a Tea Party Convention, and followed a string of Ted Cruz bus appearances. In addition to crashing campaign events and mocking the press for their thirst for controversy, Triumph will take on hard-hitting issues of concern to voters on each side of the spectrum.