Bubble IE Review: Ends Meet S1Ep9

Sleep is the best meditation.

In this episode, Beezer has difficulty sleeping. This is perhaps symptomatic of his depression, which was the topic of an earlier episode. This lack of sleep causes Beezer to become irritable, manifesting itself in his interactions with the normally inoffensive Sean Og.
Desperate to do anything to get to sleep, he resorts to taking some of Tony’s sleeping pills. However, these have passed their expiration date, so while they do granted, achieve their aim of sending Beezer to sleep, they have the side-effect of causing him to hallucinate, or at least have some very strange dreams.
He is taken on a journey through his past, present and future – perhaps somewhat reminiscent of A Christmas Carol – though, of course, Beezer is slightly less well-off than Ebeneezer Scrooge. And while A Christmas Carol was about teaching the protagonist the error of his ways and how he had been unkind to others and scaring him into doing better by other people in future, Beezer’s revelations are more of a catharsis for himself, and we hope that he will find the peace he seeks henceforth.

Our Take:

Though the episodes of the show can all be taken individually, having mini-plots in their own right, which finish and end within the twelve minutes, it is good that there is continuity from one week to another, with problems identified in previous episodes not suddenly disappearing at just because the episode focusing on that topic was over. The “dream sequence” here allows the writers to easily explore different times in Beezer’s life, and it is interesting to watch Beezer “watching” himself. Plus the episode reminds us all of the important life lesson not to take your grandparent’s medication.
