Bartman Comics sells just as many copies as Batman Comics in France


My sister lived in Paris for like four/five months and she hated it. Then again, she at one time was sent to the hospital to surgically remove a contact lense that got stuck in her eye ball, so no one’s really counting on her to mother any Pullitzer Prize winners anytime soon.

BleedingCoolNews recently ran a story noting that a Bartman comics collection had sold just as many copies as the Batman Renaissance  collection with a cool 25,000 copies sold of each. Also, both were in the top ten of biggest sellers in France which is a rather impressive feat in it of itself.

Over the Summer, Bongo Comics was selling a trade paper back of ‘The Greatest Bartman Stories Ever Told‘ exclusively at San Diego Comic Con, and we were hoping that copies would go national here in the United States. Unfortunately, that never happened, but given these numbers, maybe Bongo Comics can reconsider?